Gently rolling to undulating country. Black, Chocolate & Red Basalt soils. PASTURES - Woolly Pod Vetch, Arrowleaf & Haifa White Clovers. Fertiliser history. WATER IS A FEATURE. Machinery shed, silo, steel panel cattle yards.

AREA:  263.9 ha (652 ac) Freehold.

Inverell Shire Council Rates: $1,962.20 p.a.

Northern Tablelands LLS: $323.28 p.a.

SITUATION:  24.91 km North of Inverell on the Ashford Road.

SERVICES:  Power available. Phone not connected. Mail 3 times per week. School bus at front gate. Primary and secondary schools at Inverell. Air and rail services from Inverell/Armidale/Moree to Brisbane/Sydney. Saleyards at Inverell, being the 6th largest selling centre in the state. Weekly fat cattle sales, fortnightly sheep sales. Export abattoir at Inverell. 3 major feedlots in the Inverell area. Inverell is one of the major shopping and service centres of Northern NSW.

COUNTRY:  Gently rolling to undulating. Altitude: 560m to 600m ASL.

SOIL:  Black Basalt (approx. 50%), Chocolate & Red Basalt (approx. 50%).

PASTURES:  Established Arrowleaf Clover, Woolly Pod Vetch, Haifa White Clover. Some areas of Phalaris & Paspalum.

FERTILISER:  Good fertiliser history since May 2005. Various years spreading either SF45, Poultry manure or Gypsum.

TIMBER:  Grey & Yellow Box, Kurrajong, Red & Apple Gum.

WATER:  Pump on Frying Pan Creek (permanent). 7HP Diesel electric start motor with mono pump, pumping to 92,000 ltr (20,200 gal) Pioneer tank, reticulation to 13 troughs with approx. 3.6km of 63ml blue line pipe. Tank equipped with Electrosense tank monitor (text message water levels every morning). 3 dams. WATER IS A FEATURE.

WATER LICENCE:  Frying Pan Creek - Unregulated - 52 meg  $277.68 p.a.

RAINFALL:  740mm (29") p.a.

FENCING:  Boundary: 9.5km 2 barb & 5 plain. Balance hingejoint & barb in excellent condition. Subdivision: 14 Paddocks. 9km 2 barb & 4 plain. Balance hingejoint & netting in excellent condition.

MACHINERY SHED:  Steel frame 8m x 8m enclosed on 3 sides with concrete floor.

GRAIN STORAGE:  65 Tonne cone base silo.

STOCK YARDS:  Steel panel cattle yards with concrete race, crush with chin bar.

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263.90 ha
Address 2491 Ashford Road, Inverell
Price SOLD for $1,100,000
Property Type Rural
Property ID 305
Land Area 263.90 ha

Agent Details

Wally Duff photo

Wally Duff

0427 546 146
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