AREA:  463.2 ha (1,144 ac) Freehold.

Gwydir Shire Council rates: $2,448 p.a. Northern Tablelands LLS.

SITUATION:  23km from Warialda, 30km from Delungra, 61km from Inverell.

SERVICES:  Power. Phone. Primary and Secondary schools at Warialda. Air services from Inverell to Brisbane & Sydney, Armidale/Tamworth/Moree to Sydney. Saleyards at Inverell, being the 6th largest selling centre in the state, weekly fat cattle sales, fortnightly sheep sales and monthly store cattle sales. Export abattoir at Inverell. 3 major feedlots in the Inverell area. Inverell is one of the major shopping and service centres of Northern NSW.

COUNTRY:  Undulating. Altitude: 440m-520m ASL.

SOIL:  Black basalt and some lighter country.

ARABLE AREA:  303ha (750ac).

PASTURE DEVELOPMENT:  194ha (480ac) Neo Barley sown on full profile, with 150ha (370ac) of fertiliser applied.

Bambatsi Panic, Purple Pigeon, Floren bluegrass, Vetch, Arrowleaf Clover, Snail Medic clover. Has previous fertiliser history.

TIMBER:  White box.

WATER:  8 dams, 14 troughs, frontage on Mosquito Creek. 60,000gallon rainwater tank, 3 x 7,000gallon rainwater tanks. 1 bore pumping 1,300gallons/hr. 1 bore equipped with windmill & solar pump. 1 well equipped with windmill & solar pump.

RAINFALL:  700mm (28inch) p.a.

FENCING:  Fencing is Mostly new . Subdivided into 15 paddocks with laneway systems.

IMPROVEMENTS:  Older cottage with power.

MACHINERY SHED:  12m x 8m lock-up shed with power. 3 x 90 tonne silos.

WOOLSHED:  Old shearing shed with power.

STOCK YARDS:  2 sets of cattle yards.

CARRYING CAPACITY:  220 cows and calves.

* Neighbouring 593.3ha (1146ac) property also available for purchase.


Disclaimer: We have obtained all information in this document from sources we believe to be reliable. We cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must rely solely on their own enquiries.

463.20 ha
Address 874 Gournama Road, Warialda
Price $3,432,000
Property Type Rural
Property ID 991
Land Area 463.20 ha

Agent Details

Wally Duff photo

Wally Duff

0427 546 146
View Profile